Divorce Finance Consulting
Marital breakdown is one of the most challenging changes in life. Untangling assets AND debts require a special skill from dealing with finance on a regular basis. I can work directly with clients or as part of the professional team through lawyers. I work best with parties who are fair with one another and want to find the best resolution for their family.
Working with Both of You
If you want to keep your divorce details private, the collaborative team approach is an excellent option for your family.
As the Financial Neutral on your professional team, I listen to and support both of you to disclose and understand 1) the full picture around net family assets and debts, 2) equalization payments and 3) potential impact of the negotiating options to your future cashflow and net worth.
Working with One of You
You may be looking for financial advice on your own during a divorce.
As your personal Financial Divorce Specialist, I can help you clearly understand your family assets and debts, the range of what that could look like for your share after- tax, and I can advice you as you negotiate your settlement, and help you understand the future impact of options you agree to.